

1. Acne & Pimples

Traditionally, undiluted Manuka / Kanuka Oil was applied to the Inflamed spot with a cotton ball

2. Arthritis

Traditionally 5 drops of Manuka / KanukaOil was added to 10m of cold pressed plant ol which was warmed and then massaged into the painful area.

3. Asthma

Traditionally treated by inhalation of a few drops of undiluted Manuka / KanukaOil in hot water

4. Athletes Foot and Tinea

Traditionally, undiluted Manuka / Kanuka Oil was applied directly to infected area, using a cotton ball

5.Bad Breath (Halitosis)

Traditionally, 3 or 4 drops of Manuka / Kanuka Oil are added to a glass of warm water for gargling

6.Bites & Stings

Traditionally, undiluted Manuka / Kanuka Oil was gently applied to inflamed area with a cotton ball

7. Blisters

Traditionally, undiluted Manuka / Kanuka Oil, was gently applied to the blister with a cotton ball.

8. Blocked Nose/Sinus/Sinusitis

Traditionally, 5-8 drops of Manuka/Kanuka Oil were added to a bowl of hot water which was then gently inhaled, passing the vapour through the nose. Alteratively, some drops were added to a cold pressed carrier oil and then gently massaged around the base of nose and under the eye around sinuses, always making sure not to allow the oil to get close to the eyes.

9. Body (Tired & Tense)

Traditionally, Manuka/Kanuka  Oil was mixed with a carrier oil i.e sweet almond/macadamia which provided a soothing lubricant for total body massage, helping to maintain healthy skin tissue and claimed to be a natural barrier reducing moisture loss.

10 Body Protection

Traditionally a couple of drops of Manuka / Kanuka Oil was added to water and applied to the underarm area, helping to dilute odour causing bacteria

11. Boils & Carbuncles

Traditionally, undiluted Mansika/Kanuka Oil was added to warm water and then applied directly with a cotton ball to the infection centre. A process that was generally applied at regular intervals and gently wiped with cotton balls until the infection eventually disappeared

12.Burns (Minor)

Traditionally, flushed with cold water or an ice pack until the heat dissipated from the burn area to which 5 or 6 small drops of Manuka/Kanuka Oil was added to a carrier oil such as macadamia and gently applied to burn area

13.Cold Sores

Traditionally, undiluted Manuka / Kanuka Oil was gently applied to the inflamed area with a cotton ball

14.Corns & Calluses

Traditionally, undiluted Manuka/Kanuka Oil was applied directly with cotton ball.

15.Coughs, Colds & Bronchial

Congestion Traditionally 4-5 small drops of Manka/Kanka Oil was added to steam bath or 2-3 drops added to a bowl of hot water and the vapours gently inhaled.

16. Cradle Cap

Traditionally 4-5 small drops of Manuka / Kanuka Oil was added to circa 10ml of carrier oil, and then gently applied to the affected area of baby's scalp.

17.Cuts & Abrasions (Minor)

Traditionally, (1) a few drops of Manuka / Kanuka Oil was added to circa 10ml of carrier oil or (2) was applied directly lundiluted with a cotton ball.

18. Depression

Traditionally a small quantity of undiluted Manuka / Kanuka Oil was spread on the wrist and gently inhaled from time to time.


Traditionally, 5 small drops of Manuka / Kanuka Oil was added to 10m of a cold pressed carrier oil and gently applied to the affected area with a cotton ball.

20. Earache

Traditionally, 5 small drops of Manuka / Kanukoll was added to a teaspoon full of carrier oil, was lightly warmed and massaged around the ear and lobes.


Traditionally 5 small drops of Manuka / Kanuka Oil was added to cecal 10ml of carrier oil was applied with a cotton ball after the area was washed/patted dry

.22. Emphysema

Traditionally I of Manuka / Kanuka Oil was added to a bowl of hot water and vapours gently inhaled.

23. Face Cleaner (Oily Skins)

Traditionally a few drops of Manka/Kanuka Oil was added to water and gently used as a face wash while avoiding eye contact.

24.Sore gum (Gingivitis) Bad Breath Plaque

Traditionally, undiluted Manka/Kanuka Oil was carefully applied to the area of infection. Also a couple of small drops were added to water and used as a mouthwash morning and evening.

25. Dandruff, Oily& ichy Scalps

Traditionally, 2 or 3 drops of Manuka / Kanuka Oil were added to shampoo or conditioner and massaged as normal when shampooing and left for a minute or two before rinsing off a per normal.

26 Laryngitis & Sore Throat

Traditionally, 3 or 4 drops of Manuka / Kanuka Oil were added to a glass of warm water and gargled ona regular basis until the condition dissipated.

27 Lips (Dry, Chapped Cracked, Sunburn Windburn)

Traditionally, a few drops of Manuka Kanuka Oil mixed with cold pressed carrier oil was applied

28 Lie & Hits

Traditional use of Manuka / Kanuka Ol mixed with normal shampoo to combat lice and nits has been supported by ongoing research which has indicated that this may help to repel like and nits and prevent possible reinfestation

29 Muscular Aches & Pains/Sprains

Traditionally 5 or 6 small drops of Manuka & Kanuka Oil was added to circa 10ml of cold pressed carrier oil and then gently massaged into the painful area.

30. Nall Infections (Perlonychia)

Traditionally, undiluted Manuka / Kanuka Oil was liberally applied under and around the infected nail with cotton bud 31.Nappy Cleanser

31.Nappy Cleanser

Traditionally used as an antiseptic, 10 drops of Manuka & Kanuka Oil was added to 3.5 quarts (4 titres of water and the nappies soaked overnight.

32 Nappy Rash

Traditionally, 3-4 small drops of Manuka / Kanuka Oil was added to 10ml of carrier oil, warmed and very gently massaged.

33 Nasal Ulcers.

Traditionally, undiluted Manuka / Kanuka Oil was gently applied with a cotton ball.

34 Rashes

Traditionally, 5 drops of Manuka / Kanuka Oil with 10ml of carrier oil was applied to affected area

35. Respiratory Infections

Young Children-Traditionally used for the treatment of Catarrh runny nose, sore throat and ear infection in young children by adding 2 small drops of Manuka / Kanuka Oil to a tablespoon of carrier which was massaged into the spine, frontal sinunes chest and sole of feet. Adults- Traditionally a few drops undiluted Manka/Kanuka Oil on the back of the hand and/or wrist rubbed in and then repeatedly touched to the nose

36.Rheumatism & Scarica

Traditionally, a few small drops of Manuka / Kanuka Oil were added to 10m of carrier oil and massaged into the affected area multiple times per day.


Traditionally, undiluted Manuka/Kanuka Oil was applied directly to infected area with a cotton bal


Traditionally, undiluted Manuka / Kanuka Oil was applied to infestation where obvious

39.Shaving/Waxing (Face & Legs)

After shaving/waxing one can apply a mixture of 5 drops undiluted Manuka Kanuka Oil with 10ml of cold pressed o and massage onto the face or legs.


Traditionally, 5 small drops of Manuka / Kanuka Oil was added to 10ml of carrier oil and gently massaged into the painful area.


Traditionally, undiluted Manuka / Kanuka Oil was applied with a cotton ball after splinter removal.


Traditionally, 5 drops of Manuka / Kanuka Oil was added to 10ml of carrier oil and gently applied keeping well away from the eyes.

43.Mouth (Thrush, Yeast Infection, Candida)

Traditionally 2 drops of Manuka / Kanuka Oil was added to a glass of warm water, to (1) rinse the mouth and (2) swallow a very small amount.44.Toothache/Mouth Ulcers

Traditionally, Adults use undiluted Manuka / Kanuka Oil, gently applying directly to tooth or ulcer using a cotton ball. For

Children & Babies-Ulcers, Teething & Toothache, traditionally. diluted Manuka / Kanuka Oil was used by adding 2 drops to a small amount of warm water and then applied using a cotton ball first dipped into Manuka / Kanuka Oil then glycerine to be more palatable.

45.Ticks & Leeches

Used as a customary treatment, undiluted Manuka / Kanuka Oil was dripped onto bite-mark.

46.Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)

The customary Maori remedy was to take 2-3 drops of Manuka/Kanuka Oil in honey at meal times.

47.Vaginal Infections (Thrush, Candida, Yeast, Infections). The customary Maori tribal remedy was to mix 10 small drops Manuka / Kanuka Oil with 1 cup of pure warm water and douche, generally twice per day.


Traditionally, undiluted Manuka / Kanuka Oil was applied directly to the growth with a cotton ball.


Abscesses, Cuts, Infections, Insect Bites, Rashes

Pet-owners commonly apply Manuka / Kanuka Oil diluted with a carrier oil over the affected area daily.

Pet-owners shampoo with Manuka / Kanuka Oil added to the shampoo to help repel insects and make a pet's coat clean and smelling fresh. It also provides a natural deodorant effect, attributable to the aroma of the oil.

Fleas & Insects

Mix 5ml Manuka / Kanuka Oil to 3.4ozs/100ml clean water, shake and spray around foundations, windows and doorways, kennels and areas frequented by dogs and cats. For internal use, mist spray around kitchen, linen and laundry cupboards, under furniture, stoves, refrigerators, hot water systems, around edges of carpets and skirting boards.